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Writer's pictureMichi Masumi

Hair as part of a healthy lifestyle...really?

Updated: Jan 2, 2024

Understanding that you are the most vital investment in #hair #maintenance #healthyhair

Photo Credit: Anna shvets (pexels)

Why is my hair doing this to me, why is it breaking, why won't these products work, I am doing everything and nothing is working...Sound familiar?

I am spending hours and money each month and unless I have a protective style, and I still cannot go natural, what is going on? Been hearing this for over 40 years.

ONB is going to let you know what is going on...

We simply do not invest correctly when it comes to our hair especially those with 3A-4C hair types. No amount of money, qualified hairdressers or fancy branded products is going to change your damaged hair to healthy without you investing in yourself the right way, and that is where ONB can help.

I started as a 3C-4C hairdresser years ago, and my oldest son is a qualified hairdresser of 1A to 3C hair types. together we have some experience of hair traumas for women across all races and hair grades.

I can honestly say I have had almost every hairstyle you can think of, and gone through similar periods of feeling low because my natural hair was so damaged and unhealthy I had no option but to continue to wear hairstyles and hair aids which I knew was worsen the situation, but it was the better choice due to social concept of what defines beauty, especially for women of colour. finance, as we all know hair maintenance is not cheap, whatever your budget, time, well with all the other jobs we have to balance in life, spending more time in a salon or just on our hair can feel exhausting just thinking about it.

The truth is we have to address the issue, sooner rather than later to either reduce or stop the damage that our hair is going through. To get our hair back to full health, we need to provide our scalp, root anchor and hair shaft with the right nutrients to enable it to strengthen, retain and blossom. It starts with us having a healthier lifestyle, and reducing the trauma.

Tip #1 - Water yes H20

Regardless of your hair type 1A to 4C, we all need to be drinking our daily recommended amount of plain fresh water. Hair needs moisture and there is nothing on the market that can do better than yes plain fresh water. To hydrate and moisturise your hair to the highest levels drink water, cannot say it enough.

Water provides your hair with the essential nutrients, and vitamins required to keep your hair from the roots to the shaft thick and luscious. Resulting in improved hair health and better hair growth circles.

Tip #2 - Wash Routine

There is a myth that hair types 3C-4C do not need to water their hair as regularly as hair types 1A-3B do. INCORRECT, yes wrong. All hair types should be washing their hair regularly.

Regularly means at least once a week... Oh my days yes once a week at a push every 2 weeks, because we all have different lifestyles and schedules so it is understandable that fortnightly (every 2 weeks) is the most you can manage.

Also if you have chemically manipulated hairstyles (perms, relaxers etc) then wash your hair no more than every 2 weeks if you have 3B-4C hair type as this can lead if washed too often to dry brittle hair and cause breakage.

Develop a routine and stick to it, I have my hair maintenance days in my diary/calendar only because if I do not have it in there, I put it off as it is hard to fit into a quick time slot. I usually plan a movie or playlist of songs, some snacks and cosy loungewear/ pj's for the maintenance days. Hair thrives better with a routine. Try having that much-needed girl chat whilst you pamper your hair with love. Makes it feel less of a chore!

If you wear protective styles (Braids, wigs, weaves, lace fronts, sections, hair extensions). Buy hair products that can withstand a wash. speak to your hairstylist and hair suppliers.

When I wore wigs, which could take bi-weekly washes, I would hang my wigs out on the clothesline to air dry to retain the style. It is important that the protective styles you wear are as clean as they can be and you are taking regular breaks from the styles along with following the correct removal instructions. Without doing this, it may be the cause of a condition or making it worse.

"Is it better to not wash your hair?

"Washing your hair is important for hair growth," Courtney says. "It relieves your hair of product buildup and dermatitis that can negatively affect your scalp." Shannon King, partnering artist with KMS Hair, adds that "not cleansing your hair can lead to issues with dryness, tangles and ultimately, hair loss." Their key takeaway: As long as your hair and scalp are healthy, your hair will grow." – Erinn Courtney (LA Hairstylist)

Photo Credit: Pixabay (pexels)

Tip #3 - Make your daily water healthier

Try adding Aloe vera juice, Carrot juice, Green tea or other fruits and vegetables that are full of vitamins and minerals to your daily drinking water, which will help with your overall well-being (Mind, Body and Soul).

Tip #4 - Use Natural Oils

After washing my hair and also 1-2 times a week, I use ONB Loc oil to seal in the moisture within my hair (locs), if you do not have braids or locs, then use ONB 3 in 1 conditioner (suitable for all hair types). If you are washing your hair regularly and in a routine plus you are drinking your daily recommended amount of water. You do not need to buy moisturising products. You do not need to spray water every day on your hair if you are a 3A-4C hair type for moisture unless your hair type requires it, you will know by scalp and hair shaft dryness, itching scalp, dandruff or scalp irritations/inflammation. it wets your hair but cannot replace the benefits of drinking water and washing your hair regularly. Water is the best moisturizer and it is a natural source.


Don't do this please, I have spent years explaining that we learned in school that oil and water do not mix without harmful chemicals being added, as a water and oil mix, breeds bacteria.

So why are we spraying chemicals or bacteria on our hair and then wondering why our hair is damaged?

To moisturise your hair, drink your recommended daily amount, wash your hair regularly and if your hair still needs some moisture, spray plain distilled water or plain cooled boiled water throughout your hair and then to seal the moisture use natural hair oils/ hair butter or pomades followed by a short DIY head massage.


Try and use more natural hair products, especially when it comes to shampooing. For a long time, it has been known that Sulphates are like Kryptonite to Superman. Products containing these chemicals can cause some forms of skin cancer and also affect hormone levels and much more. ONB Black soap Exfoliating massage bars are suitable for both hair and body use (NOT FOR THE FACE). Please research what you are putting in your hair, because most brands thrive on us not being informed. The ingredients listed first on a product are the ingredients with the highest quantity in the product. Use search engines to understand the chemical/Latin names of ingredients. Being informed is power.


  1. For 16 weeks, stick to a hair maintenance routine, increase natural moisture, increase green vegetables and fruit intake and reduce or stop the usage of sulphate and paraben hair products. Good hairstylists and hair suppliers will advise you of natural products on the market.

  2. Take before and after photos (if you are comfortable doing so), along with a short diary of what you are doing differently.

  3. Exercising, good sleep patterns and reducing stress are part of this challenge. These three elements can make significant improvements to the condition and health of your hair and scalp. Try out the ONB Mood synergy roll on's

  4. Comment below on your 4-month transition journey, can you feel and see the difference at the end of your 16-week challenge, as can your hair stylist, colleagues, friends, and/or family?


ONB's 30-minute online consultations for £30, are an opportunity to have bespoke hair treatments made specifically for you. We do require that our questionnaire be completed and returned before your online consultant appointment. you can ask questions and get some advice on how to improve your current hair maintenance routine. Bespoke hair products are an additional cost and the product prices range from £15 -£25.

The consultation is solely for homecare use, not salons nor to replace medical treatment.

We will advise you to seek medical advice if applicable during the consultation.

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